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Bentley is a British luxury car manufacturer. Models from the English automaker are famous for:

  • luxurious salons;
  • powerful engines;
  • clear controllability;
  • comfortable suspension;
  • unique design.

Bentley cars are equipped with the latest technology. In addition to a modern multimedia system, there is climate control, massage seats and many different adjustments.

Most often, such cars are taken for everyday use or video shooting. The Carloson vehicle fleet currently only includes coupes of this brand, but other models may appear in the future.

How to rent a Bentley

Our company offers Bentley rental with or without a driver in Dubai. Persons over 22 years of age and with at least 3 years of driving experience are allowed to drive a vehicle independently. To sign the contract, you must have your passport and driver's license with you.

To use the pre-booking service, a prepayment of 50% is required. To clarify information about availability and prices for services, leave a request on the website or call the specified number.