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Cadillac rental in Dubai.

Cadillac is an American manufacturer of premium cars. Models of this brand differ from others:

  • high-quality interior finishing materials;
  • reliability;
  • large dimensions;
  • individual design;
  • powerful engines;
  • high cross-country ability;
  • build quality.

In addition, it is worth noting the presence of a multimedia system with built-in navigation and monitors for passengers, as well as a Bose Hi-Fi music system.

Cadillac cars are used for everyday driving around the city, business trips, meeting important guests, wedding processions or filming videos. Please note that the company’s product range is constantly expanding, so new models from this brand’s line may appear in the future.

How to rent

Cadillac rental is available with or without a driver. Persons over 22 years of age with at least 3 years of driving experience are allowed to drive a vehicle independently.

When signing a rental agreement, you must have a passport with you to confirm your identity, and a driver’s license. To reserve a specific car for yourself, you need to make a prepayment of 50%.